Bridgestone Select Canning Vale

At Bridgestone Select Canning Vale you'll find an extensive range of quality tyres, including car tyres and 4x4 tyres.



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Opening hours

We’re open all through the year except on Sundays and Public holidays.

Dealership hours

Monday: 8am - 5pm

Tuesday: 8am - 5pm

Wednesday: 8am - 5pm

Thursday: 8am - 5pm

Friday: 8am - 5pm

Saturday: 8am - 11am

Servicing hours

Monday: 8am - 5pm

Tuesday: 8am - 5pm

Wednesday: 8am - 5pm

Thursday: 8am - 5pm

Friday: 8am - 5pm

Saturday: 8am - 11am

Map of Bridgestone Select Canning Vale

About Bridgestone Select Canning Vale

At Bridgestone Select Canning Vale you can find a set of quality tyres, book in for our auto repair service, or have your tyre questions answered by one of our friendly Bridgestone Select Canning Vale staff.

We’ll help you choose your ideal tyre from our extensive range, from car tyres to 4x4 tyres and more. We can also keep your car at its best with our auto repair services, including log book servicing and wheel alignment.

We’re ready to help you with your tyre needs and questions, so come visit us in-store. Or, contact us for tyre prices and servicing in Bridgestone Select Canning Vale.